Entertainment Project
A recent expansion of London based Pivot Records to the United States has provided an opportunity for an electrifying environment to be shaped to provide guests with a rich experience coinciding with stadium activities. Pivot's luxury skybox space evokes emotion through color as a recreation of the diversified sounds of BritPop Rock, internationally known as Indie Rock, begins to emerge. Melodic harmonious rhythm with an environmental consciousness occurs within an open floor plan while being amplified with lightly fanciful elements to stimulate and charge the emotion so quintessential to Indie Rock music.

Hospitality Project
The foundation of Brackt simply derives from the moment in which a unique unification of fresh and salt water arises upon the Baltic Coast of Sweden; a moment when waters begin to meld and contrast against the land. This distinct unification presents a continuously flowing vibrant atmosphere. Through an alluring ambiance Brackt provides an experience of contemporary elegance while unifying the community of the Delmar Loop Area of St. Louis, Missouri with the combination of warmth and the essence of nature. An open flowing plan provides a harmonious connection of juxapostion while stirring the senses of individuals who visit.

Perspectives - Hand Drawings
A sampling of hand drawings depicting various types of perspectives with a focus on interior design. These perspectives are provided to also demonstrate drafting, freehand drawing , rendering and general artistic ability. Samples are from projects such as residential bedroom design, aircraft interior design, kitchen remodel and more.

One point perspective view of a guest bedroom located within a vacation home
Two point perspective view of a residential kitchen
Freehand perspective view of a bar located within an aircraft
One point perspective view of bar area
One point perspective view of lounge area
Freehand Light fixture

Residential Project
Tucked peacefully in the beauty of the transcending Sierra Nevada Mountains, abundant conifers, and cool freshwater of Lake Tahoe a modest sized vacation home resides on the Eastern Bank. A home designed for two to allow ease. As one visits a sense of unity to the expansive natural surroundings evolves through the use of space amplified by light, interior and exterior contrasting colors, and a variety of textures. To further enhance the pleasures of vacation, sustainable design choices have been incorporated to endure and stand the test of time.